Embedding Citrix Web Interface 5.4 into 3rd Party Portals

December 20, 2012



imageRecently I was involved in a consulting project for a customer who had an interesting debacle.  They had a Salesforce.com VF based customer portal and they wanted to provide links to both Published Applications and other SaaS\Web applications within a “Quick Links” window on the home page of portal. 

Initially the developers thought they would just use a SQL provisioning database to store user data and create custom roles within as a means to determine what application links to display to the end users and planned to just use different iFrames within the quicklinks area to pull everything together.

But I explained to them that this approach may be problematic for several reasons.

  1. Loading elements in different iFrames would have different render times and depending on the application and content you were pulling in. This might result in a staggered render in the end-user browser if you were not masking this behavior through some other means like a progress bar or spinney thingy to distract them or at least give he illusion that something coherent was going on in the background. 
  2. HTTP 302 Redirects are often other artifacts of multi-faceted web applications which can also cause “flickering” or “jumpy” rendering within a page iFrame / code block. 

A seldom used often forgotten feature of Citrix XenApp that has been there for ions is the ability to Publish not an application but Content.  This content can simply be a link to another web application or actual content such as a document.  This content is not accessed through the means of a Citrix XenApp ICA session but directly by the client.  There are numerous benefits to this approach of consolidation.

  1. All Application links can be managed in one place through AppCenter instead of multiple role based data stores.
  2. Application link visibility can be controlled by AD Group Membership which can be based on existing groups or new Groups created with roles in mind.
  3. All of the available XenApp filtering and possibly “Smart Access” policies are at your disposal to add another layer of control.
  4. When you add applications in XenApp, you can specify the icon for the application you desire to display to the end user.  If you are adding a Web Content application, XenApp will actually automatically check to see if the application has a favicon and use that by default or you can manually choose one in .ico format.

So then the question becomes – Do you use Web Interface (WI) or the Web Interface SDK or cobble together your own UI using nFuse calls?  Well this article and approach leverages Option 1 as I felt this was the best path given that there are many ancillary tasks that Web Interface handles and manages out of the box that you would have to deal with that are not really even related to the portal integration but affect the overall usability and function – things like Client Deployment, Workspace Control settings, Client Address Modes, Farm settings, etc… Many of these are parameters that might change during the lifecycle of an application and thus having a standard management tool to deal with them will make the overall solution management less involved.

The following steps strip-down Web Interface such that it will transparently look like a part of the portal you are embedding it into. The steps are broken down into actual content customizations and configuration options. 

Content Customizations

Here is the good news – when web interface was being integrated into Access Gateway Advanced edition NAV UI, a lot of work was actually done to make the UI portal friendly.  Since we are not using the Access Gateway NAV UI, we have to fool the WI logic into thinking you are.  Once this is accomplished, the rest of the customization steps are mainly for cosmetic and functional reasons.

Customization Details
To make WI think it will be embedded into the NAV UI (required) Comment-out or remove line 124 of [Site-Name]\app_code\PagesJava\com\citrix\wi\pageutils\AGEUtilities.java and replace with true condition:

public static boolean isAGEEmbeddedMode(WIContext wiContext) {

return getAGEAccessMode(wiContext) == AGEAccessMode.EMBEDDED;



public static boolean isAGEEmbeddedMode(WIContext wiContext) {

return true;



comment-out or remove line 132 of \app_code\PagesJava\com\citrix\wi\pageutils\AGEUtilities.java\AGEUtilities.java

public static boolean isAGEEmbeddedOrIndirectMode(WIContext wiContext) {

AGEAccessMode mode = getAGEAccessMode(wiContext);

return (mode == AGEAccessMode.EMBEDDED) || (mode == AGEAccessMode.INDIRECT);



public static boolean isAGEEmbeddedOrIndirectMode(WIContext wiContext) {

AGEAccessMode mode = getAGEAccessMode(wiContext);

return true;


To remove the Folder menu tabs and Main header 
Remove or Comment out line 13 of [Site-Name]\app_data\include\compactResourceListTabTools.inc
To remove the search pane

Remove or comment-out line 132 [Site-Name]\app_code\PagesJava\com\citrix\wi\pages\StandardLayout.java

// navControl.setShowMessages(true);

To override the Workspace Control settings
Remove the !AGEUtilities.isAGEEmbeddedOrIndirectMode(wiContext)) condition on Line 1078 of [Site-Name]\app_code\PagesJava\com\citrix\wi\pageutils\include.java
To remove the horizontal lines below the application icons

Remove the border style elements on lines 565 and 860 in [Site-Name]\app_code\PagesJava\com\citrix\wi\pageutils\lowStyle.inc:

margin: <%=wiContext.getString("LGVertBigGap")%> 0 0; padding: <%=wiContext.getString("LGVertBigGap")%> 0;


margin-top: 3px;

To display icons and not the list view in the Applications pane (optional) In [Site-Name]\app_code\PagesJava\com\citrix\wi\tabs\ResourcesTab.java using notepad and search for "CompactView". At the end of the line, remove "LIST" and replace with "ICONS".

Once you complete the above steps, reset IIS, close your browser, and log back in.  Your WI should look something like the following:








Required Web Interface Configuration Settings

Ok so there are other options that must be enabled in the actual configuration to make for the best end user experience.

Configuration Option Recommendation Details
Client Detection Disable I opted to disable this as this particular company already had a plan in place with their care team who were responsible for making sure the end users had the necessary hardware, software, and connectivity required to access the environment and during this process the desired Citrix client version (12.3 Online Plug-In) was going to be installed. When you enable Client Detection and optionally Deployment, there is quite an involved process that WI goes through to glean information about the end user device and whether they have a suitable ICA client installed. This involves many redirects and popups and these kinds of behaviors are not really suitable for a portal environment. A static link to a download would be a better option or you can put in place a customer process which takes care of this aspect.
Client Deployment Native While the Java ICA client is considered to be “zero footprint”, there are really more hurdles than you think to get that working properly.  For one, Java is notorious for being persnickety about SSL.  The newer versions even with the Windows Keystore option still have numerous issues with SSL certificates that are chained which almost all current CAs provide now. This means that you have to manually import certificates into the Java Keystore or use CLI cmds and this is hardly zero footprint.  In addition, there is a Kludge pop-up window that also has to be there during the session to maintain the session.  What I recommend doing here is just to use the Native client.   Citrix has clients for virtually every device OS out there and these will run better natively than using java as a band-aid.  Recently Citrix has come out with an HTML 5 client (announced at Synergy San Francisco in Nay 2012) which looks to be a lot more promising in terms of a zero foot print client.  This client uses HTML 5 web sockets method which is now supported by Mozilla FF an Chrome and will be supported by IE 10 in Windows 8.
Session Settings

General > User Customizations
Kiosk Mode: Enabled
Display settings button to users: Unchecked

This prevents any client side settings from being saved to a Cookie Value and also prevents users from changing the settings. This is more desirable for “no foot print” scenarios and keeps it consistent in the portal.


A big shout out to Mike Bednarek in Citrix SW Dev who was one of the main guys involved in the development of Web Interface over the years and knows this product better than most. I relied heavily on his knowledge of all the moving parts to tweak the UI.

Solving OWA Attachment Security with Citrix NetScaler

September 22, 2011

What’s the problem exactly?

With the rise of the availability of web based applications, web based versions of their client-server counterparts, and workforce mobility, comes the increased risk of potentially leaving behind sensitive information on remote devices not under the control of corporate IT.  While there are no 100% solutions to this problem, organizations can implement numerous preventative measures to deal with it which are available from the developer as well as 3rd party technologies.

Microsoft Outlook Web Access is no exception to this problem and is often at the forefront of the concerns of security teams because of it’s popularity and the fact it is very often exposed to the public internet so that mobile work forces can remain productive from anywhere.  This is of course exacerbated by the fact that OWA and other web based email interfaces like it provide access to email attachments.  These attachments, when opened, are cached in a browser’s Temporary Internet Files folder or worse perhaps saved to a folder location that is easily accessible by anyone.  End-users could potentially walk-away from these devices leaving corporate information behind to possibly be exploited for malicious purposes. 

As mentioned, there is no solution that is 100% safe to the aforementioned problem.  There are numerous solutions to these issues, ranging from VPN Cleanup Agents, to access via Virtualization technologies such as Citrix XenApp or Citrix XenDesktop, to proxy devices such as Citrix NetScaler.  Each method has their own set of pros and cons and have varying levels of cost and preventative .  This article focuses on utilizing the power of Citrix NetScaler ADC

How can one solve this problem?

Starting with Exchange Server 2007, Microsoft introduced the concept of Public and Private computers allowing end-users to select whether their end device was to be trusted or not. 

image image
OWA 2007 Login Form OWA 2010 Logon Form

On the Exchange Server end, these options pertain to settings that can be used to control the behaviour of how attachments are dealt with.  These include the ability to block all attachment access or allow attachment access but only via the built-in document conversion utilities which convert the attachment to HTML for view right in the browser.



Disallow all attachment access or only allow file preview

Allow attachments with restrictions or certain file types only or force use of file preview

These settings in turn control the end-user experience with regards to attachment access. 

Public computer with no access to attachment
Private computer with attachment access and preview

Giving end-users the control is not the answer

All of the above are great options if you actually trust your end users to select the correct option at login to classify the type of device or location they are accessing your network from. But a more realistic solution is to profile the device, user, or location and enforce the behaviours based on this discovery information.  Some examples of the information you could base a decision on include:

  • Client IP Source Address
  • SSL Certificate Auth/Details
  • Browser/Device Type
  • User Identity or Group Membership
  • Presence of Anti-Virus or Anti-Spam software

How can Citrix NetScaler ADC help? 

NetScaler has three core features which can be leveraged to secure Outlook Web Access attachment functionality based on the methods described above. The NetScaler AAATM feature (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting for Traffic Management) enables the ability to use the NetScaler to perform authentication to user account directories based on LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+, or Client SSL certificates.  Secondly, Access Gateway functionality provides bi-directional SSL VPN tunnelling and ICA Proxy capabilities and adds the ability to perform endpoint analysis to the aforementioned AAA features provided by AAATM.  And lastly, the NetScaler Rewriting feature allows us to alter or inject html in Requests and Responses based on conditions we define by the very extensible AppExpert policy engine. 

Instead of letting the End User control the attachment behavior, the NetScaler can be inserted in front of the solution to provide

  • DMZ Authentication and Authorization
  • Single Sign-On to Outlook Web Access
  • Attachment control based on end user, location, or device attributes

In the configuration example below, Source Address and Group Membership are chosen for example to determine the level of attachment security applied to the session.


In addition to providing attachment security, Citrix NetScaler can be leveraged to provide High Availability, High Scalability, and Consolidation through additional on-box features such as SSL Offload, Content Switching, Load Balancing, Content Compression, and Integrated Cache. 


Sample NetScaler AAATM Configuration for OWA 2010

Sample Access Gateway Configuration (coming soon)

More Information


Symphony Theme for Citrix NetScaler

March 26, 2011


This theme will update the look and feel of NetScaler AAATM/Access Gateway Enterprise to the Symphony theme which you have likely already seen in Web Interface 5.4 and various other Citrix products. 

Theme Options:

After some initial feedback, some additional options were added to enhance the theme which can be decided on at install time:

Base Symphony Theme
Symphony2  Symphony2
Base Symphony Theme with a Domain Drop-down for login.  Please follow additional required steps in CTX118657
Symphony3 Base Symphony Theme with Google reCaptcha 2nd factor auth (Coming Soon!)
Symphony4 Base Symphony Theme with a Domain Drop-down for login and Google reCaptcha 2nd factor auth. Please follow additional required steps in CTX118657 and my blog post on use of captcha with NetScaler AAA TM. (Coming Soon!)

How to Implement the Symphony Theme:

Andre Perry has assisted with the creation of a very nice shell script that completely automates the installation of the theme.  This script will:

  1. Automatically download the latest Symphony theme from the Citrix CDN site to the NetScaler you are implementing the theme on.
  2. Extract all files to /var/vpn/customizations directory
  3. Modify hard-coded theme build references with specific installed 9.3 build
  4. Copy content to /netscaler/ns_gui and /netscaler/portal locations on flash
  5. Add entry into nsafter.sh to invoke routine at each system startup to check the installation state and copy custom content to flash

Simply download the installation script and name the file to the theme option that you want to implement.  i.e. – Symphony1.sh.

Note – If the NetScaler or Access gateway you are installing the theme on does not have internet access, you can simply download the appropriate Symphony Theme to the /tmp directory and run the script.

Download the Symphony Theme!

Download the Symphony Theme Symphony automated install script (rename this on save to reflect the theme you are installing – i.e. – Symphony1.sh
  Individual Symphony Theme Packages for Manual Installs:
Archive-icon Symphony1.gz
Archive-icon Symphony2.gz

Implementation and Testing Notes:

  1. When testing the new skin, be sure to clear your browser cache via Ctrl-F5 if you had previously loaded the default theme
  2. If you have the Integrated Cache enabled on the NetScaler, you may also need to flush or invalidate the Access Gateway specific portal content

Additional Information:


Special shout out to Jesse Boehm and team of Techstur.com for the creation of this skin.  Techstur.com is a pioneer in the field of Interface Customization Services, adding clients’ branding elements to the Web interfaces that employees, customers and vendors rely on for application delivery and remote access. Techstur.com customizes many of the most widely-used interfaces, including all versions of Citrix Web Interface, Citrix NetScaler, Citrix Access Gateway, Microsoft Outlook Web App, Microsoft Outlook Web Access, Microsoft RD Web Access, Microsoft Threat Management Gateway 2010 and a number of others. Visit their company website techstur.com

Thanks as well to Jonathan Devenish for the slick streamlined sed command method of find and replace in the shell

And many thanks to Andre Perry for his *nix shell scripting prowess

Citrix NetScaler Visio Stencils

April 2, 2010

This is for those of you out there that have struggled to find a complete set of Microsoft Visio stencils for the Citrix NetScaler product line. Enjoy!